Robert Rose

What are the 3 questions about AI in content? Now What? What Now?
Getting your arms around the disruptions of generative AI presents an extreme challenge. A 20-year-old framework for self-reflection may help. Ask these three questions in...

You’re Making a Mistake if you treat your marketing database as an audience. It’s a mistake
Modern marketing teams recognize the value of building an audience. But what does that really mean? Haven’t content marketers already been doing that? Well, let’s...

Three Scriptwriting Secrets to Elevate Videos, Presentations and More for Your Brand
Don’t fall for the bad advice that scripts are for amateurs. Discover why you should write scripts for your brand’s videos, podcasts, and other presentations,...

Is speed, not AI technology, the real enemy in marketing?
Marketers are due for an epiphany. Speed is the name of the tech game. But what won’t you delegate to technology in the name of...

Why Your Content Team Needs Rule Makers – and Rule Breakers
Content teams often resist creating rules because they don’t want to operate in a box. But that’s a mistake. Without rules, you lose the ability...

The decline of social media creates opportunity for events (if done correctly)
As social media becomes less social and more media, you can still capitalize on the human desire to socialize. Events offer one way to do...

How familiarity can make controversial content more palatable
Controversial content topics get attention – for better or worse. To earn the best kind, try balancing these four elements: surprise, familiarity, consensus, and controversy....

How to Create a Content Strategy that is Audience-Centric and Content-Driven
What does it mean to build a truly audience-centric content strategy? For the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, it meant rethinking everything (in pursuit of a...

You’re out of content ideas? You’re out of content ideas?
You don’t need unique content ideas to differentiate your brand. You can recombine and reshape existing ideas to make them your own – even (or...

To gate or not to gate? You must deliver trust first, regardless of whether you are at the gate or not.
Is your brand willing to trust first? Your answer can determine the success of your company’s gated and free content assets and achieving your long-term...