Ashlee Sierra

Google Analytics 4 Reports: Complete Guide to Understanding What GA4 Is Trying To Tell You
For marketers, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is like a kids’ toy box. Pop open the lid and your whole world changes. Do you reach for...

The Right Way To Create, Use and Improve Automated Content
I’ve been writing for as long as I could hold a pen and telling stories even longer. For me, artificial intelligence (AI) was like the...

Google Updates Spam Policies To Redefine Helpful Content
On March 5, 2024, Google released two updates, one involving changes to multiple core systems and the other redefining the identification of helpful content. This...

Voice Search Content Marketing Is the Future: How To Get Started in 2024
In pretty much every science fiction media ever, there’s some sort of AI voice assistant that acts as a supporting character, antagonist or vehicle for...

Content Marketing vs. PR: What’s the Difference?
Almost everything in the world is about communication. Think about it. Humans are built to tell stories with facial expressions, body language, tone of voice...

What is a Fintech Content Writer and How Do You Choose One?
In internet culture, when two fictional characters are in a relationship (or everyone thinks they should be), they get a “ship name.” And if those...

The Web’s Attention-Grabbers: Structured Snippet Examples & Best Practices
Want to fully appreciate the value of the structured snippet, a Google Ads extension that enables the search engine to give readers even more information...

Passing the Vibe Check with Ramiro Gonzalez
As creators, marketers, storytellers and members of a global society, consuming information is a huge part of our everyday lives. But what can happen when...

Top 10 Marketing Performance Platforms to Elevate Your Marketing Game in 2024
How are your New Year’s resolutions coming along? Not to worry — I don’t mean going to the gym. I want to know about your...

Five Storytelling Templates That You Must Try
Good news: You don’t have to be a creative writing expert to tell a great story. Bad news: Anyone can write a blog post, type...