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ube Algorithm Deconstructed: 5 Tips to Increase Your Reach and Engagement

YouTube’s algorithms have been a puzzle to content creators since its inception. Many struggle for hours trying to find the secret formula that will maximize their video performance, and maybe even become a viral sensation overnight.

There’s good news. It’s not completely mysterious. Over the years, YouTube engineers and product managers released a variety of information to shed light on the matter. These pieces of information help explain YouTube’s goals and YouTube’s approach to creating a platform that provides entertainment and knowledge to all who seek it.

What’s the deal? This article will explain the basics of YouTube’s algorithm and offer tips to help you get closer to viral fame.

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What’s the YouTube algorithm?

The YouTube algorithm is an AI-powered collection of data and rules. It runs in the background collecting billions upon billions of data points. Then, engineers create rules that determine which videos to show to which users.

The algorithm’s main purpose is to attempt to guess what YouTube users are looking for by entering a query into the search engine. It also attempts to determine which videos they might be interested in next.

This algorithm calculates this based upon data points such as the videos, comments and text data such as the descriptionspan styling=”font-weight 400 ;”>,, and how many users interact with the video content. It then ranks YouTube videos in order to maximize relevancy and user satisfaction.

How will the YouTube algorithm function in 2023?

Since its inception, the YouTube algorithm has seen significant improvements. YouTube used to rely on the videos that users clicked to determine which content it would recommend. This led to a lot of clickbait headlines that adversely affected the viewer’s experience and perception.

YouTube shifted to optimizing for watch-time in 2012. YouTube began to recommend videos based on the time users spent watching specific channels or videos. For three years this was the standard, but YouTube discovered a better way of improving the viewer experience.

YouTube has been striving to improve viewer satisfaction since 2015. YouTube uses this information to improve its recommendation engine by polling users as they consume content.

YouTube is able to determine which content is the most enjoyable for its users. These are just a few of the factors that play into YouTube’s decision-making process.

  • Click-through rate. This is the probability that a user will click through to a video after viewing it.

  • Time spent watching. This refers to the time spent watching a particular video or channel.

  • Number of videos that a user has viewed from a particular channel.

  • Search history of the user.

  • Recent viewing history of a user.

  • Location and demographic information about the user.

  • Shares, likes, and dislikes (these metrics can be used to gauge user involvement with specific videos)

  • Not interested clicks (YouTube tracks users who click the “Not interested” button on videos).

  • Survey feedback (YouTube sends millions of surveys every month asking users for feedback on particular videos).

Only the third and fourth factors can be directly controlled by content creators. All the rest depend on factors outside their control.

YouTube’s algorithm

YouTube offers two options for viewing suggested videos: the YouTube homepage or the suggested video feed. These are the spaces YouTube ranks videos.

Homepage. The YouTube algorithm tries to provide the best video suggestions for each user. To determine which videos to show, it looks at the video performance, watch history and specific viewing habits.

Suggestion video. This section is located in the right-hand sidebar alongside the current video. The algorithm analyzes your viewing history and recommends what you should watch next.

5 ways you can increase your YouTube reach

Now you know the basics of the algorithm, let’s take a look at how you can make it work for you and drive more traffic to your channel.

1. Your brand should be consistent

YouTube users should expect consistent content from your channel. YouTube users should recognize the type of content when they see a notification for a new video. Bonus points for users who can recognize your videos by the colors, fonts and imagery in your YouTube thumbnails. (We’ll discuss that more in the next tip ).

For example, take 5-Minute Crafts. It’s obvious what you get, it’s in the name. You will see the same branding across all channels: bright colors and fun illustrations. Many thumbnails have a symmetrical layout or are divided into multiple columns.

2. Create clickable thumbnails

Your YouTube thumbnails, along with your video title, are the most important factor that drives someone to click on your YouTube videos. These are some tips to increase your click-through rates (CTR), and signal YouTube that you value your content.

  • Zoom in to see action shots and expressive faces

  • Use short, easily understood snippets to add context and interest

  • Personalize your thumbnails using signature colors, fonts and imagery. You can even use your logo.

  • Use the “rule of Thirds” to photograph your photo. This means that the most important parts of the image are placed in the last third or first third of the frame, instead of the center

There are many other resources you can look to for inspiration. These include YouTube’s trending video tab, Amazon Prime and Netflix.

3. Make your content bingeable

The algorithm will be paying attention to how long YouTube users spend watching your content. You’ll want to keep them interested and returning for more. Did we really have to say that? )

These are some tips to keep your viewers watching your videos longer and engaging with your other content on YouTube before they get distracted by something else.

  • Offers suggestions for videos to complement your other videos by using cards and end-cards.
  • Include a call to action in a video description or within the video’s title.

  • Use slides from other videos as a guide to other interesting content

4. Optimize for one keyword

span style=”font weight: 400 Keyword stuffing” This is an old technique that doesn’t always work. Keywords still play an important role in the algorithm, which tries to determine user intent. It also helps to identify what type of content the user is searching for by typing something into the search engine.

This is why each video should be based around one primary keyword, and one to three secondary keywords. TubeBuddy is an excellent resource to help you select keywords. It uses factors such as search volume, competition, and optimization strength to rank how good your keyword selections are.

5. Find out about your competitors

You’ll find it beneficial to keep an eye on your competition, as with any business. You can check out their YouTube channel to see things like:

  • Types of content they post

  • The most watched and viewed videos

  • They use as their branding elements

  • How they describe and title their videos

  • These are the keywords they’re optimizing to

  • All series and playlists that make

  • The engagement levels of their audience in terms comments and likes

After you have mapped them out, you will be able to identify which strategies work for them and which ones need improvement. This is where you come in. Take their ideas and improve them.

Evolution with the YouTube algorithm

The algorithm’s constant change is one of the greatest challenges for content creators. You’ll find that techniques from yesterday don’t work as well today if you play the long game.

YouTube’s algorithm is always changing to meet user needs. Content creators should adapt to this constant evolution. Keep up-to-date with algorithm updates and learn from peers and experts. You can pivot as necessary. You’ll be more prepared to achieve your goals if you have a flexible and resourceful mindset.

YouTube algorithm FAQ

What’s YouTube’s algorithm?

YouTube’s algorithm provides a complex real-time feedback loop that helps you find the right videos for your interests. It is designed to maximize your satisfaction and help you find new content. The algorithm continuously analyzes your activity on YouTube to provide you with video recommendations that are relevant to your interests.

What’s the YouTube algorithm used to do?

YouTube’s algorithm is used to find the best video for each viewer, and keep them interested.

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Amanda Gaid
Author: Amanda Gaid

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