What are the Basics of Accounting? HoneyHat

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Chess //

Maybe that super-genius is a long-term player who anticipates every countermove and has plenty of options and resources at his disposal.

It could be the local company you are competing with, or the publisher you want to work with.

It is easy to see that they have a view on the competitive landscape that is not available to ordinary people.

It’s more likely they are just winging it.

Winging it in the beginning stages of a campaign is poking at the box. This is a chance to test new methods to see how the system reacts.

It’s not going well if you mix a policy of winging the issue with a long-term strategy that involves strategic, well-planned 4-D chess. Because it’s not possible to keep it resilient on a large scale by winging.

Seth Godin
Author: Seth Godin

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